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Is it better to have more bearing grease? 2024-07-31

Perhaps everyone knows that the role of lubricating grease is very important in using bearings, so some people may ask, can lubricating grease be used infinitely to lubricate bearings? When should I switch? How much should we exchange?

Precautions for replacing lubricating grease 2024-07-31

Excessive fat addition can increase friction torque, raise temperature, and increase fat consumption; If the amount of grease added is too small, reliable lubrication cannot be obtained and dry friction occurs. Generally speaking, the appropriate amount of grease added is 1/3 to 1/2 of the total void volume inside the bearing. But depending on the situation, sometimes grease should be applied to the edge of the bearing to implement cavity lubrication.

How to choose lubricating grease reasonably? 2024-07-31

When choosing lubricating grease, the main considerations are the working conditions of the friction pair (load, speed, temperature), the working state (continuous operation, intermittent operation, vibration and impact, etc.), and the working environment (humidity, temperature, air pollution, etc.).

What are the reasons for the drying and hardening of lubricating grease? 2024-07-31

The separation of oil causes the grease to dry and harden. If this process occurs during the operation of machine components such as bearings and gears, it will have adverse consequences on their normal operation. As the grease dries and hardens, friction intensifies, causing the bearing temperature to rise. The rising temperature in turn accelerates the rate of grease drying. In most cases, severe grease drying is the result of multiple factors working together. Let's start with its main cause.

What is the relationship between the color of lubricating grease and? (This refers to the color of unused new oil) 2024-07-31

Different crude oil production areas and refining techniques can cause differences in the color of base oil. The color of the base oil itself is not a quality indicator, but usually, base oils that have been deeply refined through hydrogenation treatment will contain fewer impurities and their color will be relatively lighter.